July 2024 Newsletter

Kia ora koutou permaculture whānau,

Since we sent out our last newsletter there has been a lot going on behind the scenes for the PiNZ council both with the day-to-day management of the organisation, finalising the structure of the 2024 National Permaculture Hui, and launching this amazing event.

After so long without a National Hui the Council decided the theme would be Reconnection and there are lots of ways we are planning for this to be entwined through the event, so keep an eye on our newsletter and Facebook page for some of ways this will occur.

Before I was elected onto the Permaculture in New Zealand council I was involved in the planning of the 2020/2021 National Hui to be held in Whanganui. Sadly after multiple attempts the event could not proceed due to the pandemic, which makes this year’s event even more significant. After five years, we will be able to reconnect with old friends, connect in person and enhance long distance and previously online relationships, and establish new connections within our community.

So make sure you get a ticket if you are interested in joining us in November, and if you have skills or knowledge to share or want to run a hands on workshop we would love to hear from you.

Membership renewals were sent out in June and you can still join by filling in the form on our website which will provide you with a discount to the hui and a range of other benefits that we continue to work on expanding.

Due to their obligations to the organisation the Permaculture in New Zealand Council do not normally organise the annual hui, so now is a great time to be thinking about hosting the event in your region in the next three years which you can read more about below.

Hope to see you in November.

Ngā mihi,

Fiona Moorhouse
Permaculture in New Zealand

More details about the Permaculture Hui 2024

We can’t wait to meet everyone and reconnect at the event, which will be held at the Green School in Taranaki, from November 8-10, 2024. Thank you to all our members for your patience while we sorted out further details about pricing, speakers, volunteers and such. 

So let’s get right to it. Here are quick links to the information about this event.

Meanwhile, we are still looking for volunteers to help at the hui. If you’ve got a few hours you can spare while you’re there, we would love a helping hand. Please let us know by sending an email to info@permaculture.org.nz.

Keen on hosting a future hui in your region?Looking ahead, we would like to harness the passion of permaculture practitioners within each region. Traditionally, the hui has been hosted by different regions around the country, but after such a long space of time without a hui, the council will be restarting the flow by managing this event.This provides the regions time to consider if they will be the hosts for the 2025, 2026 or 2027 hui as it is an event that takes both time and a great deal of teamwork to plan.So do you think you want to host a future hui? Gather your tribe and have a chat, then let us know and we will work with you to make it happen.

Will you be bringing your kids to the Permaculture Hui?
If yes, please fill out this form to help us determine if we need to organise a kids’ stream or find volunteers to co-ordinate children’s activities. Please note these activities would only go ahead if there is enough demand, and you will still be responsible for your child/children’s health and safety at all times.

As part of our fundraising efforts, we are looking to create a calendar for sale, showcasing the best permaculture properties in New Zealand.See your slice of paradise in our 2025 calendar!We’d love to include scenes from your garden – native birds, harvest scene, sunrise and sunset, mass-planted flowers and edibles, we want to see them all. Send in your photos now!
Photo by Mei Leng Wong

Coming up this month our members are holding events around the country. Head over to our website and check out what is being offered in your local area.If you are a member and have an event coming up that you would like to promote on the website, please get in touch by emailing Permaculture In New Zealand.