May 2024

Kia ora koutou Permaculture Whānau,

May has been both busy and productive for the Council Team kicking off the month with an in-person weekend workshop in Auckland when a huge amount of planning was done for the 2024 National Hui. We tackled a range of housekeeping tasks as we head towards the end of our membership year and membership renewals are sent out. Luckily, we had a moment to take a photo together (below: from left, Alaina George, Alex Hildebrandt, Fiona Moorhouse, Amanda Warren, Lucretia Charan and Mei Leng Wong).

As many of you will remember in March 2023 we provided all paid members an extended membership year to bring all memberships into alignment, so the majority of our membership have had over 18 months since their last renewal. Membership prices were voted on at the 2023 AGM and we will be inviting all members to renew at the price that applies to their personal circumstances (Unwaged/Student, Waged, or Affiliated teachers and Permaculture designers/professionals). We are continuing to work on additional membership benefits for our members and as we have mentioned in previous communication our paid members will not only receive a discount to the National Permaculture Hui, but will also have access to these before they are released to the general public.

We are also collaborating with the Taranaki Sustainable Backyards Trail. This is such an exciting partnership as Sustainable Taranaki are expanding their offerings and we will be letting you know of bonus sessions PiNZ Members can attend if they want to extend their stay before and after the Hui.

To hear more about these and more exciting permaculture happenings read on, and keep an eye out for your renewal or head over to our website to purchase your membership today.

Ngā mihi

Fiona Moorhouse

Permaculture in New Zealand

rECOnnecting: 2024 National Permaculture Hui

It’s been a few years since we were all able to come together, so our theme for the 2024 Hui is Reconnecting
When: November 8-10, 2024
Where: Green School NZ, Taranaki
At this year’s Hui, we seek to reconnect to each other, ideas, tools, and technology, as well as to the whenua and the whakapapa of Permaculture in Aotearoa, all with a perspective of forward progression.

Tickets: Prices are yet to be finalised, but paid members of Permaculture in New Zealand will be provided the option to buy tickets before they are released to the general public and will get a discount on the price.
Check out the Green School

Where to stay during the Hui
As we are unable to stay onsite and there is a lot happening in the region that weekend, now is a great time to start looking for accommodation. One option is the Oakura Beach Holiday Park just down the road from the Green School.
Oakura Beach Holiday Park

Run a workshop at the Hui
We look forward to sharing the roster of speakers and panellists soon. Meanwhile, we’re calling for members with something to share, including knowledgeable food growers, garden designers, keen DIY-ers, and anyone who would like to present a workshop or presentation on a specific topic. Got old-school preserving and pickling tips? Know a great way to engage junior gardeners and beginner permaculturists? Or perhaps grafting fruit trees gets you going. Share your knowledge at the Hui. Photo by Andres Siimon/Unsplash
Yes I’m interested!

Permaculture principle: Creatively use and respond to change in your design
Autumn is a good time to reflect on change, for once again, nature is the best teacher. Trees respond to the changes in temperatures and shorter daylight hours by dropping their leaves. Tarapirohe, our native black-fronted tern which lives and breeds inland, moves towards the coast to feed in autumn and winter. And food growers and gardeners, of course, adjust to the new cycle in their own time-honoured ways. This particular permaculture principle acknowledges that our food growing and green spaces must evolve according to our needs – and sustainable and regenerative practices that are also thoughtful and adaptive as we learn more and grow more, are best placed to support us in the long term.

Share your permaculture journey
We’re keen to share the stories of our members in our newsletters and the soon-to-be refreshed website. Whether you are creating your own rural paradise or carving out your own bijou urban haven using permaculture principles and design, we want to hear from you. Include your name, location and tell us about how you started, what you’ve learned and your biggest challenges and rewards. Attach 3-5 photos too. Email us:
And thank you to members who have already shared their permaculture journey with us. You will see your stories up soon.

Events and courses around the motu
Coming up this month our members are holding events around the country. Head over to our website and check out what is being offered in your local area.
If you are a member and have an event coming up that you would like to promote on the website, please get in touch by emailing Permaculture In New Zealand.